Creation of a website for a beauty school

About the client: the beauty school “I am stylish and photo-objective” provides training in such disciplines as image-making, makeup, acting, photography, communication psychology, etiquette, defile, and proper nutrition that are necessary for every modern lady.

Task: Develop a stylish website. The site should have a zest, be fashionable, be able to easily change their "clothes" depending on her Majesty Fashion.

Work began with the site's splash screen. The site's splash screen contains a flash animation that shows blooming flowers. The headband symbolizes development, flowering. Every woman is a flower that is constantly growing, changing, blooming, blooming.

Создание сайта для школы красоты

Work on the design of the pages was carried out in different directions, several concepts were being worked out at the same time. Finally, a design concept was chosen based on the image of a stylish girl.

Now it's not a secret from anyone that the hit of the season is purple, so the main page of the site is purple and black.

разработка главной страницы сайта

Создание страницы Новости

In order to make the design of the site easy to change, it was decided to use different color schemes.

Разработка дизайна страницы Портфолио

Изготовление страницы Обучение

Further, work was carried out on cross-browser layout of design layouts, filling the site with information.