Creation of the show group website

About the client: “At some point, I realized that if you combine feelings with actions, my organizational skills with the professionalism of artists, oriental music with theater, enthusiasm with show business, you will get something interesting ...” Head of the Oriental East Show , Anna Shibalkina

Task: To make a bright site with a festive mood.

Design: it was decided to make the general style of the site drawn, colorful, bright, filled with positive emotions. Members of the show group are involved on the start page, various parts of the house serve as navigation. There is also a small music player that adds to the atmosphere, and the video helps to get to know the band better from the first pages.

Дизайн сайта шоу-группы

Of course, we could not ignore the Eastern night. And that's why the site of the Oriental show group exists in 2 design solutions - day and night.

Дизайн сайта шоу-группы в ночное время

There are two types of internal pages and menus associated with certain items, which makes it easier for the visitor to navigate the sections of the site. Some pages are supplemented with photographs from the life of the team.

Разработка страницы О нас

There is also a separate large photo and video gallery, which contains all the brightest moments, of which Oriental has had a lot over the many years of work. And the guest book section is provided on the site specifically so that guests can leave their comments about the show. Of course, the design of this page is as unique as all the other pages of the site. The "Show Group" page introduces us to all the participants of the show and gives us the opportunity to learn about each in detail.

Создание страницы Телесъемка

Oriental has surpassed all the wildest expectations of both the author of the project and all the developers of the project.