Creation of the website of the singer Anastasia Blinkova

About the client: bright, beautiful, ambitious, her voice touches the heart, forcing it to beat faster, rejoice and suffer, believe and love.

Site design: Site design is a reflection of the bright personality of the singer in the web world. The site's splash screen creates a mood and sets you up for a sincere atmosphere.

Создание сайта певицы Анастасии Блинковой

The singer is close to her fans, and with the opening of the site a new stage in the singer's creative life began, now she has become even closer to her listeners and fans. Дизайн главной страницы сайта

The audio page is the place on the site where fans can not only listen to music, but also download their favorite songs.

Разработка страницы с аудио

Video page - here you can view the latest video clips of Anastasia Blinkova.

Создание страницы с видео

The site also features a Q&A where fans can chat with the star online.
As part of the creation of a turnkey website for the singer, the following was done:

  • website intro development;
  • creation of the singer's website design;
  • site layout layout;
  • creation of an individual site administration panel.
  • website optimization for search engines.