English Jam website development

About the client: English Jam is the first English language course designed specifically for women!

About the site design: the task of the site design is to reflect the company's slogan "Get a Taste - Learn English" as much as possible. We tried to make the site not only tasty, but also to convey a positive atmosphere and the possibility of a pleasant, effective learning of English.

home page of the site

The guest book allows visitors to leave their messages: feedback on the site, comments, wishes, etc.

Guest book

On the site you can get acquainted with all the services of English Jam, learn more about the language and choose the right course for yourself.

English courses

In addition to developing the site design for the English Jam company, we carried out a number of obligatory works, namely: layout design, development of the site content control panel, filling the site with information and basic optimization. Together with our customers, we were satisfied with the result.