Logo for wedding house

About the client: wedding house "VIYAS" produces and sells evening and wedding dresses wholesale, retail and to order.

Task: creating an image logo.

Логотип для свадебного дома

The trademark "VIYAS" is a spelling of the company's name in a modified new antiqua. The narrowed proportions of the letters give the logo grace and charm. Decorative element of the logo, a stylized diadem as a symbol of wedding, femininity, solemnity.

Создание логотипа

The logo is characterized by sharp proportions, a noticeable distance between the letters and an oblique crossbar in the letter "A". Such tricks are used by world brands in their brand names - when the logo is typed in a clean type without frills, only small, subtle accents speak of the company's elitism.

Разработка логотипа

Shades of wisteria were chosen for the brand name of the wedding house. The flower of the same name has a noble pink-lilac color of muted tones.

Логотип компании в глицинеевых оттенках