Motivational calendar for 2014

Мотивирующий календарь на 2014 год

We decided to continue the history of making corporate calendars from Webakula, and its new round was the ideological, motivating corporate calendar for 2014 under the intriguing title "Coming soon ..."

We did our best, trying to put a piece of our worldview into the work. The calendar was born not without philosophical overtones. We decided to fantasize about the constant development of web technologies and imagine how far science could go in the future.

Дизайн календаря от компании Webakula

Each month of the calendar, with a capacious phrase and a picture, describes one of the technologies on the verge of fantasy and gives, in our opinion, practical advice. For example: "Soon the Internet will do everything for you. And today, act!"

Корпоративный календарь компании Webakula

A moment of existentialism from Webakula 😉 The latest developments are presented to society as something obviously positive, designed to improve the life of mankind, automate monotonous and labor-intensive processes, and save time. At the same time, the reverse side of the benefits of civilization is also well known to everyone. We, in turn, decided to promote the idea: “Soon everything will be different. And today - live! She became a brief epigraph to everything started and was displayed in the final month of 2014.

Изготовление фирменного календаря компании Webakula

The design of the corporate calendar has become an organic continuation of the WeShark corporate identity. We would really like our corporate calendar to motivate all its owners to be self-sufficient and appreciate what is here and now. The calendars are already on the desks of all Webakula employees and, of course, delight our customers.