Online store for Sokomorinad company

About the client: manufacturer of jam and supplier of confectionery raw materials Sokomorinad.

Task: creating an online store.

We don’t know about you, but our first association with jam is summer, childhood and grandmother’s pies. Inspired and slightly nostalgic, we set to work and came up with a slider about ripening apples with bright and childishly carefree paint paintings.

Дизайн интернет-магазина для компании Sokomorinad

The two main types of the company's products are presented in the site header with links to the corresponding sections of the catalog.

Разработка страницы каталога

On the contact page, in addition to the usual data, there are links to additional areas of the company's activities: the purchase of apples from the population and enterprises, the production of applesauce on order and delivery assistance.

Создание страницы Контакты