Website development for the restaurant SGRITTARIUS (Sagittarius)

About the client: Sagittarius restaurant is a cozy European cuisine restaurant.

Task: to make a business card website for a restaurant. The site design should convey the warm atmosphere of the restaurant.

Creation of site design: the design of the main page of the site has a view.

Дизайн главной страницы сайта To create the design of the site, a photograph was used with the interior of the restaurant, in the center of which there is a fireplace. To enliven the background of the site, an animation of the movement of fire in the fireplace was created in the design of the site, which significantly added warmth and comfort to the whole design.
The Contacts page of the site contains an antique map with directions to the restaurant.
Дизайн страницы Контакты For the website of the restaurant Sagittarius, the following works were also carried out:
  • filling the site with information
  • site maintenance
  • website optimization for search engines