Website for a wedding salon

About the client: wedding salon Sharm.

Task: creating an actual website design.

The design of the resource is made in the spirit of the modern fashion industry, which sets the appropriate tone for the content. Naturally, this sets the tone for the content of the site - the photos should be perfect, and the description of the products should be as complete as possible.

Разработка дизайна сайта для свадебного салона

The catalog contains large photos of dresses, which greatly facilitates the choice, allowing you to compare styles without going to the product page.

Create a catalog page

You can traditionally take a closer look at the dress model you like, as well as add the product to the virtual fitting room to compare several outfits.

Разработка страницы товара

Примерка свадебного платья онлайн

In addition to "fitting" online, on the site you can also sign up for its traditional version, indicating your name, phone number, email address and choosing a convenient date and time.

Запись на примерку в свадебный салон

Thanks to the large map on the contact page, finding a salon is a breeze.

Создание страницы Контакты