Website for the company "Your Delivery"

About the client: Your Delivery is a freight forwarding company that provides a full range of logistics services.

Task: to create a website, visually show the user the services provided by the company.

Design: We were very pleased to create the design of this site, given that the customer infected us with his positive mood and completely relied on our professionalism. We decided to use a new (for the domestic web) “scroll to” technology, some still call this business parallax. Perhaps, we are the first studio in Kharkiv, which made a website with such technology, what else can I add, our layout designers - wow! We have presented all types of services provided by the company "Your Delivery" on the long main page, and you just need to click on the number in the header and go! We also optimized the site for high-resolution monitors, coolly hid the footer, arranged information in pop-up windows, and developed a separate page for articles.

Need to deliver cargo from one country to another? Easily! Go!

Press - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7!

Создание сайта транспортно-экспедиционной компании

Дизайн раздела Доставка самолетом

Разработка страницы Доставка железной дорогой


We also developed a logo and corporate identity for this company.