Website of Spetsavtomatika Ukraine LLC

About the client: Spetsavtomatika Ukraine LLC is a supplier of valves, instrumentation and automation from leading world, Ukrainian and Russian manufacturers.

Task: website redesign, improvement of usability indicators.

Редизайн сайта

In the development of the site, we professed the principle: the more complex and extensive the subject, the simpler the design and the more logically structured the catalog. It is located in the usual place, it is convenient and pleasant to use it. We have a black belt in the layout of products in subcategories and categories, so even the specific activities of this company can be seen by an unprepared visitor at a glance at the site. Persons more enlightened and dedicated to the field of instrumentation and fittings, most likely even recognize the most popular models of these products in the slider.

Дизайн каталога сайта

Создание внутренних страниц сайта

We have done everything possible to make navigation through a site with a complex topic easy and relaxed, and each user can find the product of interest to him without delving into the jungle of subcategories. For this reason, search is central to the design of the resource, it is hard to miss and impossible to lose, it is properly configured and works properly.

Разработка страницы Контакты

A modern resource cannot do without a convenient conversion element of an online application. The visitor, staying on any page of the site, does not lose sight of the "Place an order" button, he can place an order by filling out a special form or contact the managers at the numbers indicated in the site header.

Дизайн формы обратной связи