6 years of Webakula!


6 лет Webakula

Yes, the company has become a year older, which means it is more experienced and progressive! For those who were skeptical of this statement, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a brief report on our professional achievements over the past 251 workdays. Did you take our word for it? Excellent! You can immediately start viewing a small photo report from the celebration of Webakula's birthday.

Our achievements over the past year

  1. We rolled out a beta version of our own content management system and dubbed it Angry CMS. The name was partly born by analogy with the "angry" surname of the main developer of the studio engine. On the basis of our CMS-ki, we have already created several successful, functional resources. Angry CMS от студии Webakula
  2. With each new project, we improve our web development skills, and it would be a sin not to try out the latest trends during the redesign of our own site. The updated resource now boasts a large bright slider with hover effects, a minimalistic and concise design, as well as super-convenient navigation. In any case, we are happy with our brainchild :)
  3. The site update also entailed the reorganization of our blog articles into 4 permanent thematic headings, as well as a change in our social media content plan. We strive to tell our clients (potential and regular) the principles of the studio in an interesting and simple way, to be useful to them, and also to acquaint them with relevant and effective Internet marketing techniques.
  4. Our staff has arrived - new employees delight with great potential and great enthusiasm.
  5. During this year we conducted 150 free site audits, and now we can do them with our eyes closed;)
  6. Advertising on the Internet is interesting because there are no ready-made solutions in it. The past year turned out to be fruitful for complex and therefore interesting projects in which we used effective combinations of Internet marketing tools to achieve the most successful result. We are constantly improving our skills in all types of advertising - be it social media targeting or contextual advertising, e-mail marketing or remarketing, we research the market, look for, look for and test new online advertising features in order to subsequently offer our clients unique solutions for quickly achieve the desired results.
  7. SEO-cases for the 6th year of the studio's existence also pleased with their diversity and originality. For example, the number of projects on complex technical topics has increased as never before. Our optimizers tempered their character by taming Yandex.Catalog, trying incredible tricks to promote resources by traffic and testing new tricks to bring young and even newly created sites to the TOP.

Celebrating 6 years since the founding of Webakula

The celebration began with the removal of old posters from the walls of the office. The updated interior, especially on cold gray days, inspires us with bright colors and inscriptions with professional humor.

Празднование 6 лет со дня основания компании Webakula

After a shortened working day, the celebration began directly - tequila boom, kebab-mashlik, jenga and other fun :)

Наш локальный прикол - поймут только посвященные

At the corporate party, we supported the advertising campaign of our clients and took pictures with the preparation of their production - Ugrin tincture.

Три богатыря - дизайнер Андрей, менеджеры Станислав и Валерий

Программист Сергей и его любимый офисный питомец - php слон

Клуб по интересам верстальщика Дмитрия и программиста Сергея

We celebrated well, rested, had fun, and now Webakula employees are ready to dive into the abyss of web technologies with renewed vigor.

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Internet Marketing