Bakery website

About the client: PJSC "TEREMNO HLIB" is a bakery that has been selling its products in Lutsk and the Volyn region since 1983.

Task: development of a corporate website.

While we were creating the site, we ate dozens of fragrant buns for inspiration and simply because the design turned out to be “tasty and homely” - beige tones, a slider with pastries, the leitmotif of a kitchen tablecloth.

Разработка сайта хлебозавода

There is never a lot of bread on such a site, so in the news section, in addition to detailed information about baking, it is possible to attach large photos of products. With special trepidation and care, we developed the functionality of the catalog and the product page, where, in addition to the photo of the product, its weight, composition, expiration date and storage conditions are indicated.

Дизайн страницы каталога

Создание страницы продукции

In addition to the "Tips" and "Reviews and Suggestions" sections, the site has a page with contact information and a large map of the location.

Разработка дизайна страницы Контакты