Website for glass decorator

About the client: DanCo Decor is the first glass decorator in Ukraine. Today the company is the leader in the decoration of glass containers in Ukraine and Russia.

Task: to develop a corporate website for the company.

It's nice that our portfolio has been replenished with one more status client. In equality: a serious client = serious work, in fact, there are many variables and we always start solving complex equations with readiness and interest.

The difficulty in developing the site was to combine technical and attractive visual aspects. Technology still had to give way to beauty a little, because the company offers the widest range of glass decoration services. The design concept is dictated by this factor. The site contains the maximum number of decorative elements that reflect the essence of the company's activities. For example, one of its key technologies is silk-screen printing with gold-containing inks.

Создание сайта для декоратора стекла

In the process of developing the site design, we also managed to capture and reflect the philosophy of the company in the slider. Among the same bottles without inscriptions and labels, we placed three examples of the company's products, thereby emphasizing the main concept of the services provided: the uniqueness and beauty of decorated glass. Our idea will also be used in the corporate identity and advertising campaign of the glass decorator on billboards.

Разработка дизайна страницы каталога

Дизайн страницы категории каталога

Создание страницы с примером товара

Rubber layout, trilingual interface make visiting a site with a bright design pleasant and convenient.