Разработка корпоративного сайта ООО Харьковабразив – торговый дом Нововодолажского абразивного завода.

Development of a corporate site XA.UA

Kharkovabrasive LLC is a trading house of the Novovodolazhsky abrasive plant.

The main page is implemented in the concept of landing-page and immediately introduces us to the main activities of the trading house, talks about the benefits of cooperation.

The product pages are concise and represent the entire range of the brand's abrasive wheels.

Kharkovbrasive LLC is constantly expanding its network of representative offices, so there is a form on the site for applying for cooperation.

The News section acquaints visitors with the main events of the trading house.

In addition to the main desktop version, an adaptive version has been developed for the site, thanks to which it is displayed correctly both on tablets and on mobile phones with fully functional browsers.

When developing the front-end of this site, we used Lazy Loading technology, which made it possible to make the site load almost instantly, which means that the site has a huge advantage over competitors according to Google PageSpeed and a bonus to karma for search promotion.