Valery cashmere tricot logo

Sign and logo of a cashmere company. Full name of the company: Valery cashmere tricot.

Text part of the logo
The name of the company is written in the author's font. In the style of the inscription, associations with the fashion industry can be traced. The font is a light modern sans serif. The characteristic diagonal strokes in the letters "E" and "R" give a special, branded aesthetic. Carefully calibrated relationship between the main word "Valery" and its accompanying "Cashmere tricot". The inscription successfully contrasts the rounded elements of the letters "C", "O", "S" and "R" with the solid square letters "E", "H", "M".

Company logo
The badge is based on a classic pattern found on jerseys. The intersection of the diagonals organizes an original "rhombus" pattern. In this sign, the capital letter of the name "V" is read. The combination of dense spots and thin lines are in line with the cutting edge trends in graphics.

Construction of the logo part of the logo
To build the logo, there was a specially designed modular scale based on a square and a rectangle of the “golden section”.
By adding and subtracting one figure from another and dividing by 2, a series of rectangles was formed.
All proportions of the main parts in the logo are taken from the modular range.

Corporate colors
The logo uses two colors: "red" and "green chrome". This combination is associated with warmth, comfort, home fireplace - these are suitable associations for the company's products. There is also a parallel with the national colors of Italy, the country in which the production is located.