Website for Fashion Coffee boutique

About the client: Fashion Coffee is the exclusive distributor in Ukraine, Russia and Georgia of the Swiss "green" coffee company Schweizerische Kaffeeröstereien AG.

Task: to develop a website design that emphasizes the exclusivity and sophistication of coffee varieties.

In the process of work, we have developed several options for the structure of the main page of the site. A prerequisite for the main page was the placement of a photo of a girl who is the face of the FC boutique. Of course, the richness of the aroma of coffee cannot be conveyed via the Internet, but at the same time, the charm, high tone and elitism of drinks are emphasized by the design we created.

Первый вариант дизайна главной страницы сайта

Второй вариант дизайна главной страницы сайта

The customer chose the second option with minor modifications.

Creation of a Fashion Coffee boutique website

Each page of the site is unique and is accompanied by different images in the header.

Дизайн страницы арт-кофеварок

The Merkur kaffee collection is premium coffee.

Разработка страницы кофе Merkur Kaffee