3 fall web design trends


New trends in design allow you to look at the design of an Internet resource differently. Do you want to discuss the design of the site ? It's worth using something new. What are the innovations offered by designers and are they always needed?

Trend #1. Highlight underline

Every text editor has the ability to underline text. Of course, design is not about this kind of formatting: each line is unique and matches the text in color and width. Web design trends involve the use of noticeable, visible accents. Underscores do not need to be hidden, and then they will work as an amplifier.

Thanks to underlining, you can highlight small inscriptions, balance names, and balance visual elements. It is only important to ensure that the underlined text does not become crowded, too heavy. Therefore, this technique is used next to large free spaces.

Trend #2. Difficult to read text or obstruction

Obstruction is a complex technique of superimposing letters and images, as a result of which the text becomes difficult to read, difficult to read, but therefore causing even more interest. There are several design tricks that match this trend:

  • elements that close the text, such as fruits or animals;
  • minimal difference in color between text and background, which makes them almost merge;
  • overlaying letters on top of each other, shifting and "mixing".

This technique requires attention, and on adaptive sites - doubly so. You need to carefully weigh and plan everything, and also make sure that new unwanted words do not appear due to the displacement of letters. It is also desirable to use a simple font and not create additional design accents around the inscription.

Trend #3. Black and white minimalism

Monochrome and black and white contrasts are a fashion trend that came from photography. Color schemes consisting of only black, white and gray gradients can be diluted with undertones - red, blue or green. Also, rich and noble black in the design of the site can serve as a link between black and white and color design elements.

Such a design solution may well be “warm” or “cold”, light or dark, depending on what mood you need to create for visitors. The text in any case should be different from the background elements. As a rule, it is made light and clear.

So, the main trends of November are underlining, mixing letters and implementing black and white schemes. It is not necessary to use them everywhere, because they complicate the reading of the text. But with proper execution, they will be able to highlight the site.

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