8+ Email Marketing Rules

8+ правил e-mail маркетинга

E-mail is as old as the world, it was used even before the appearance of the WWW service and, oddly enough, it does not lose its relevance even now. Eight simple rules will help you build a competent strategy using this effective and economical method of promoting your business on the Internet.

Spelling and punctuation of competent e-mail marketing

  1. The freedom of action. First of all, you need to make sure that the recipient agrees to receive mailings from your company. In the first letter, write a couple of lines about what kind of messages will be sent in the mailing list, and add a link to confirm the subscription. Voluntary agreement to receive news and commercial offers - confirms and consolidates a trusting relationship between potential customers and site owners. The second step towards increasing the loyalty of visitors to the resource is the ability to unsubscribe from the mailing list.
  2. Caution advertising. Newsletter simply must be interesting and relevant, otherwise there will be no sense from it. In addition to information about the site's special offers, you can and should provide useful information in letters. The newsletter should be beneficial to the recipients, no one subscribes to the company's news without good reasons. Define your main trump cards and emphasize their significance: get customers interested in additional services and discounts, bonuses, unique products, provide exclusive information, share your experience, research data (statistics, surveys), practical advice from company specialists. Keep an eye on the density of promotional offers and submit them only in tandem with valuable information. Optimal ratio: 80% useful information and 20% commercial offers.
  3. Feel free to ask. The best way to understand the needs and moods of customers is to communicate directly with them via e-mail. The target audience can occasionally and unobtrusively ask questions about the quality of services, wishes and preferences. The answers can form the basis of a future business strategy.
  4. Refuse attachments. Users, not without reason, are afraid of "infecting" viruses on the Internet, so a letter with an attachment is likely to be ignored.
  5. Intriguing and concise. Writing a letter is a separate science, and writing a title is a special sacrament, having learned which you can turn metal into gold, addressees into site visitors, and resource users into customers. A successful (catchy, intriguing and short) headline is half the battle. It motivates you to read the message from beginning to end and even go to the site in search of an additional dose of useful information. In email marketing, short, informative messages are most effective. Recent studies have shown that, on average, a user spends 51 seconds of their precious time reading an email.
  6. Consider the individual characteristics of the recipients. Important factors influencing the construction of a strategy in e-mail marketing: geography, language, demographics, area of interest and the degree of activity of the recipients.
  7. Control. Track the effectiveness of the newsletter, pay attention to the percentage of letters read and the number of clicks to the site. Statistics data will help you adjust the subject of emails and improve your mailing strategy. The main campaign performance indicator is determined in the simplest way: comparing sales and costs for e-mail marketing. Profit exceeds costs - everyone is happy, sales are poor - we change the mailing strategy.
  8. Sequence and doses. Regularly send interesting and useful information to your subscribers, but forget about the daily newsletter, obsession is always perceived negatively.

Stylistic tricks

To increase efficiency, all methods are good, so do not forget about the little secrets of e-mail marketing:

  • analyze your business niche (monitoring competitors and market leaders) before launching a campaign;
  • address subscribers by name, this increases the chances of the letter being read;
  • use terminology and specific speech patterns of the target audience;
  • the subscription form should be bright and tempting (contain motivating reasons for receiving the newsletter);
  • add the ability to subscribe via social networks;
  • do not neglect the postscript, it is often read.


Innovations and modernization have not bypassed e-mail marketing. Email marketing, like online marketing in general, is increasingly being influenced by mobile devices. The technical specifics of smartphones and tablets must be taken into account when compiling letters, mailing lists and strategies in general.

In modern e-mail marketing, a lot of attention is paid to a popular and very effective type of mailing - trigger letters. Messages are received by registered users in response to certain actions: feedback about a product or company, confirmation of an order or registration, etc. The category of trigger emails has a special potential and with due attention to site visitors and a creative approach to the form and submission of a letter for mailing, it will help to develop a base of regular customers.

PS Advice from Webakula: build friendly relations with your customers, be interested in their inner world and preferences, and you will be commercially happy :)

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