Contextual advertising: what it is eaten with


Контекстная реклама. С чем ее едят. Many Internet users often do not even think when they click on an advertisement that interests them and follow the link. But knowledgeable people can not only manipulate the placement of ads, but also give users “tidbits”: ads on exactly the topic on which they are looking for information. Such advertising is called contextual.

Contextual advertising is thematic advertising on websites, forums, blogs and search results. In other words, almost everywhere. And those who place ads and those who posted it receive profit from it. For example, to display contextual advertising in search results, you need to pay for the search engine in which it will be shown. But the company will also acquire a lot of users who click on these ads because they are related to the topic they are looking for, so such methods are quite justified. For blogs, this will significantly increase traffic, and for online stores - the saleability of their products, so that a small part of the advertising costs pays off in full (unless, of course, we are talking about charity pages or interest clubs).

Дерево поисковых систем Almost all search engines on the Internet use contextual advertising as one of their main sources of income. GoogleAdwords and Yandex Direct are the most famous services for contextual advertising today. Using these services, you can place and control contextual advertising, the number of impressions per day, the cost of each click, and so on. In addition, with their help, you can see the number of requests for a particular keyword, which is useful in compiling all sorts of key phrases, selecting similar key phrases.

In other words, contextual advertising is advertising for the elite, because it allows you to show ads to users who may be interested in the offer, and not to everyone else. Covering the maximum number of the target audience , she unobtrusively recommends your products, blogs, sites and forums at the most opportune moment and does not an eyesore the rest of the time. In addition, you yourself can edit, place and remove ads whenever you want, change its price.

Thus, contextual advertising at a low cost increases the number of visitors to the site by up to 50%. And if anyone is going to promote or advertise something, don't forget to use it. Recommended by leading experts!

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