Interactivity on the site or how to help the client


интерактивность на сайте Almost every modern site is interactive. Although many still mistakenly believe that interactivity is something from the category of animation. This is not true. Or rather, not exactly. And - how exactly, now we will tell.

In the usual sense, an interactive site is a site whose individual elements are formed literally on the fly, taking into account the user's behavior on its pages. The interactive components of the site include the following:

  • feedback forms;
  • email subscription forms;
  • registration forms;
  • online chat with the manager;
  • forums;
  • blogs with the ability to comment and more. others


Translated from English, interactivity means interaction. This means that the elements of the system are initially programmed for mutual actions, the result of which someone needs. In our case, as a result of interactivity, site users are interested: they can contact company representatives and resolve their issues, as they say, "without leaving the couch."

Elements of interactivity turn an ordinary site into a platform for comfortable communication and quick resolution of urgent user problems. Potential customers are involved in activities, they are not observers - they are participants, they are listened to and heard, they are trying to please and please. You understand how such a site will look against the background of more dull competitors.

Interactivity in ecommerce

Imagine two offline stores competing with each other. The first works in a calm mode, the second tries in every possible way to interact with customers: holds contests, promotions, arranges holidays for children, gives them balloons and sings songs with them. Guess which store gets the most money? That's right, the second one. And it's all about the involvement of customers in a common cause.

Online commerce does not lag behind offline trading and also uses elements of interactivity.

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And this is understandable: in the era of active development of the web sphere, online stores are under the gun of ordinary users. Customers choose those who offer cheaper, buy where they ask fewer questions and do not require too much. The most typical example of interactivity on the pages of an online store is the shopping cart. The user personally selects the goods, adds them to the cart with simple manipulations, calculates the total amount, selects the most convenient payment and delivery method, leaves comments on the order, and can even track the current status of his order: accepted for processing, goods shipped to the warehouse, dispatched, delivered, paid. And all these useful actions for the buyer take place in real time. This approach is convenient and transparent.

Sites with interactive elements: examples

Without going too far, here is a great example of interactivity in ecommerce. The Newton Running online store gives recommendations to the buyer on the choice of shoes. What is required from the client? Answer the questions as accurately as possible to get the most useful recommendation:

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Interactivity can evoke certain emotions in a person. It is in the interests of business to win over customers, give them a positive charge, arouse desire and satisfy it. A vivid example of this is the Nestle company and their advertisement for green Japanese sencha tea from the Kagoshima district. A fascinating journey through green gardens draws you in and completely immerses you in the world of nature, freshness, taste, shopping ... In general, a good publicity stunt:

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Agree, the Internet simplifies many tasks for the average user. And what if this is not just a user, but a client with a clear intention to order the development of a mobile application? For him, there is also a convenient service that will help:

  1. calculate the cost of development;
  2. choose a developer.

All you need from a potential client is to get an approximate cost of product development and leave your contacts to contact the best developers. Here is this service that unites the customer and the contractor:

интерактивность на сайте

Perhaps, almost the most popular example of the implementation, and at the same time, the monetization of interactivity can be called the LingvaLeo Academy.

Recall: the service allows you to learn English online:


With the development of web technologies, the traditional type of content - text, video, static images - is gradually becoming obsolete. It was replaced by more active, and therefore result-oriented content - interactive. Its advantages:

  • it saves the user time and effort. If earlier we had to read long descriptions of a service / product for a long time, spend a lot of time listening to a video, now the system will help us learn new information;
  • it makes the product more interesting, makes the buyer want to return to the place where he was entertained, educated and demanded almost nothing in return;
  • it makes users active participants in the process. The "inner kitchen" of the company becomes accessible, users do not just observe, they create. And such an attitude towards customers generates loyalty and steady demand on their part .

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