It doesn't work in SEO...


eto-v-seo-ne-rabotaet Website promotion requires a certain set of actions and occurs almost according to a verified plan. However, only experience and tracking of current trends in the world of SEO allow you to develop tactics and strategies for successful website promotion .

Today we will consider several conflicting opinions about the methods and methods for website promotion . Actually, they probably once worked, but now competent optimizers do not use and do not adhere to these promotion schemes.

  • High keyword density does not help, and sometimes even “drives” the site under search engine filters. The use of keywords on each page of the site should be optimal in terms of semantic load. Generally, density should not be exceeded above 5%.
  • It was believed that the PR of the page and the domain as a whole is the key to high ranking in Google. Now we know that this factor has a minimal impact.
  • Meta tag for keywords (keywords) does not affect getting into the TOP. However, do not ignore it and leave it blank.
  • When using nofollow for links on the pages of your sites, do not forget that they still pull on the transmitted weight. It is better to completely abandon links that are not subject to indexing.
  • Validation of the html code for the most part does not affect the ranking, however, other things being equal, a site with a valid code will receive preference.
  • It should be borne in mind that links of dubious quality are not only not taken into account by search engines, but at the same time they do not do much harm. Buying/putting down such links you are just wasting your time and money.

Are you still promoting your site using the old methods? Let the professionals take care of your site!

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