Segmenting Email Marketing - Why and How?

Segmenting Email Marketing: Why and How

Buyers increasingly want to see in their mailbox letters sent personally to them, personalized. If the information in the mailing list turns out to be irrelevant, then 40% of users will not follow it or even send the letter to spam.

But if you use segmentation and prepare a letter that takes into account the interests of a specific audience, then users are more likely to click on the link.

The entire audience of subscribers will have to be divided, segmented, taking into account the main areas of your business and the principles that your target audience usually follows when making purchases.

We offer 5 ways to segment the consumer audience

5 Ways to Segment Your Consumer Audience

By geographic location. This separation principle is good to use in such cases:

  • when an event, an event is organized in a certain territory;
  • when the company has geographical boundaries;
  • when services are provided only within one city;
  • when you are associated with other city companies and provide a range of services, which is your advantage.

By industry or place of work. This principle of division is especially important for B2B companies. It is clear that the director of a large corporation or a mother on maternity leave will approach cooperation differently, because their interests and benefits from the purchase do not initially coincide. Consider the goals of different people. Thanks to this, the number of clicks on the link will increase.

By interest. By interest Try to find out as much as possible about your audience. To make your task easier and make such “recognition” unobtrusive, place “magnets” on the resource, that is, articles and blocks that will be of interest only to one of the groups of your target audience. To find out exactly what your subscriber is interested in, use the site tracking features that track visitor behavior.

If you have segmentation results, you can even set up an automatic algorithm for email campaigns. Or add information about additional interests immediately in the subscription field.

By type of behavior when selling. Each member of your audience behaves differently, but there are commonalities that allow you to segment consumers by behavior. To do this, you need to understand how a typical sales cycle goes. After all, a person who has studied your news for a long time knows much more about the company than a user who came to your site by accident. Using behavioral targeting is very important. It allows you to analyze the activity and involvement in interaction with the brand for each specific person and build offers already with an understanding of what sales stage each of the customers is at.

Ratings can be adjusted automatically: as soon as the system sees that the user has become more interested, she sends him a list of profitable offers.

By brand loyalty . Brand loyalty All the best buyers need to be known in person and by name. Brand advocates include those who:

  • buys often;
  • recommends you to others;
  • showcases your products online or gives them an expert review;
  • adherents of communication in social networks.

Such buyers need to be “groomed and cherished”, and their devotion should be encouraged in every possible way. Send them targeted messages, reward them with something, or give them a huge discount: they need to understand that the company appreciates their efforts.

Of course, segmentation should be carried out gradually. And at the first stage, use the most visible differences, and then proceed to an in-depth study of subscribers.

Email distribution based on the individual characteristics of group users is much more effective.

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