Seven ways to interest a client even before a face-to-face meeting

Seven ways to interest a client even before a face-to-face meeting

Your product can be amazing, and your service can be mega-efficient and cheap. But any product will not sell itself - it is important to make the right offer to the client. The situation is complicated by the fact that decision makers receive a whole bunch of letters a day with the words “we know how to increase your profits, and this is not a joke!”. This means that you need to make sure that it is radically different from them, and also so that your offer turns out to be really useful and interesting. Of course, the “most important sale”, the signing of the contract will take place at a personal meeting. We offer 7 chips, using which you will encourage the client to come to this meeting.

A bit of waiting and the right preparation

A bit of waiting and the right preparation

No. 1. To make really successful trades, you have to learn to wait. Perhaps the company is now doing well and is not going to change anything at all. But any change is a reason to offer a new service. Therefore, always be aware of what the companies you are interested in are doing. For example, if a firm opens a new outlet, you can offer them an indispensable inventory management program, and so on.

No. 2. As for preparation, everything is simple here. Think about how you can describe your activity in one sentence according to the principle: what, to whom, for what. You can use a task-oriented interpretation or an interpretation that indicates the direct benefits of working with you. For example: “we help small businesses create websites” or “we bring websites to the TOP in 2 months.” Marketing experts argue that this phrase should be as capacious as possible, but at the same time short and understandable. So that you can talk about your offer not only at the conference, but even while going up in the elevator of the office center with a potential client.

Talk about results in numbers and without mistakes

Number 3. Use a mathematical expression for the results. “Our texts guarantee a conversion rate of 30%” or “Accounting software reduces costs by 18%.” Are you helping to increase the speed of processes or are you working to increase profits? Evaluate in numbers why it is profitable with you, and tell the client about it.

No. 4. Always check emails for errors! Gross (and not so) grammatical errors, as well as all kinds of typos, can distort the meaning of the sentence. But that's not all - from an illiterate letter breathes unprofessionalism and fraud. Perhaps the Empress at one time was allowed to write “ischo”, and not “still”, but this rule does not apply in modern business correspondence.

Use professional platforms

Use professional platforms

No. 5. To promote yourself and your product, the LinkedIn platform, a well-known network of professional contacts, is well suited. Here you can first “add friends”, simply explaining that you work in related fields, and after about 5-7 days send a detailed message with a proposal for cooperation. Compose individual letters for each of your "friends". It will be good if you understand the essence of his business and can understand what tasks your product will help solve in his company.

Choose attractive topics for writing and interest with expertise

No. 6. Remember - to the decision maker, letters of this content come in tons. The first thing that can make your proposal stand out is an interesting topic. For example, "An idea that allows you to reduce shipping costs by 3 times." But do not forget that the letter should be a brief description of your proposal, not an exhaustive presentation. After all, there is no guarantee that a presentation without your personal participation will be able to “correctly” sell the product, and the client may have the wrong opinion. In addition, when you meet in person, you can always see a real, live reaction to your proposal.

No. 7. Why do people even have to date you? Probably because you are an expert in your field. So, learn to speak the same language with your customers, use the same professional terms and jargon. And to make everything clear, read thematic blogs, magazines and news more often!

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