Why you need A/B testing your website


A/B тестирование сайта

To date, A/B testing is the most accessible tool through which you can influence the quality of the site. But oddly enough, it is bypassed. So what is A/B testing and how does it work? Let's figure it out.

A/B testing or split testing (A/B testing, Split testing) of pages is a tool that regulates page optimization to increase conversion rates. Split testing creates two versions of the same page with minor changes. After that, the process starts: the same number of visitors visit the pages and, based on the results of interaction with the site, it will be possible to determine which of the pages works better and, accordingly, implement changes. This is done in order to identify which changes increase the conversion of the site and, accordingly, positively affect the target indicator.

For example, a study of the impact on site conversion of the placement of interface elements, such as buttons, text, headings, etc. As well as their size and color schemes.

A/B тестирование

Or this example: on your site, the “add to cart” button is blue and it seems to you that after changing the color to green, it will attract more attention and you will want to click on it. With the help of some manipulations, changes are made to the site, and now the “add to cart” button glows either blue or green. After a certain number of visits, the result for each of the colors is viewed, and the one with the most clicks is selected. Everything is very simple.

You can increase conversion by using A/B testing up to 15-20%.

Сплит тестирование сайта

Let's start testing

And here the question arises: what elements of the site can be tested? Yes, actually, everything: site content, design, structure, forms. With this tool, you can test all the content of a web resource.

In the process of testing, you can see what exactly site visitors prefer to read, which illustrations attract more attention, which text sells better, what helps visitors make decisions, and what, on the contrary, repels.

As for design testing, as it was clear from the example, today's technologies make it easy to track which color button visitors like to click on the most. It is also easy to choose the font size and color palette.

How many fields should there be? Where should they be located? How to sign them correctly? What should be the call on the button? All these parameters can be explored by testing the site form.

Повышение конверсии с помощью A/B-тестирования

A few tips for using A/B testing

Test everything you can . If you have never used an A/B testing service, then start right now. You have no idea how useful this tool can be to improve the performance of your website's landing page.

Don't stop testing buttons and text . Test absolutely all content: photos and videos, and even customer reviews. Believe me, your site will definitely have a lot of details that, in combination, increase the conversion quite well.

Test in non-stop mode . Do not stop testing, even if it seems to you that there is nowhere better. There is no limit to perfection! Remember this.

Don't forget to analyze . As much as you get into content testing, don't forget to record and monitor your actions. This is necessary so that if you fail, you can easily find the last working version and return to it.

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