MEDINI #4 website

About the client : Ukrainian trademark Medini

Task: creation of a retail online store for TM Medini, redesign of the main wholesale website.

medini boutique

The main idea is minimalism in design, visual effects. The goal is to improve usability, "reduce" the user's path to ordering goods.

First, an online retail store was opened, then it was decided to use the new design concept on the main site. The structure of the resource has not changed, but original details have been added for ease of use.

For example, on the category page, you can see the product from different angles (when you hover the mouse).

category page

This is what it looks like in action:

category in action

Also "Quick view" of the product directly from the category was added.


The product card has all the necessary elements: name, photo, price, "Add to cart" button, terms of delivery, payment and social signals.

Card Product

Other sections of the site are made in the main design concept.



On the example of the TM Medini website, we can safely say that there is no limit to perfection, you can never stop improving your product.