Tuning company logo

About the client: Auto Chip specializes in vehicle power enhancement and has tuned 1053 engines since 2006, both petrol and diesel.

Task: creating a status logo.

Дизайн логотипа тюнинговой компании

The idea of the logo is based on the image of the radiator grille and wings of the aircraft. All together creates a dynamic and active logo similar to the sign of automobile concerns.

Создание логотипа тюнинговой компании

The logo successfully behaves in co-branding with the logo of Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, the main brands of cars that use Auto Chip power increase technologies.

Кобрендинг логотипа компании Auto Chip

The sharpness and angularity of the wings symbolizes acceleration, "turbo mode" is one of the important advantages of the company. The written part of the logo is a grotesque writing in capital letters, in the best traditions of the brand names of the titans of the automotive industry.

Разработка логотипа тюнинговой компании

The logo works well on both light and dark backgrounds due to inversion.

Логотип компании Auto Chip