
HTML5 Tags
Sample code on the site.
Menu preparation for layout, my wishes
My wishes regarding the preparation for website design layout in Photoshop.
Reorganization of the Packman repository structure
There has been a reorganization of the structure of the Packman repository, which is the main repository for the GNU/Linux distribution of Arch Linux, as well as an additional repository for many other GNU/Linux distributions, including openSUSE.
Let's help send Internet Explorer 6 to history
If you're a developer and your sites don't have an IE6 stub, then you're not helping to abandon older technologies, in this case IE6. It is not necessary to put a stub that blocks the content of the page so that the user cannot view the content at all, but it would not hurt to constantly remind the user and push that it's time, it's time to update your Internet life (of course, I mean refresh the browser). I offer a variant of my stub .
twitter button on your website in 1 minute
Easy and simple, without any dancing with a tambourine, we add a Twitter button to our website.