
301 Permanent Redirect
301 Permanent Redirect is used in several cases: when changing the domain, when transferring the site page, to glue the site name with www and without it. This is important for passing on Page Rank (PR) and retaining search traffic.
Google has launched a new search feature - "Page Previews"
Google continues to improve the search engine. The new "Page Preview" function allows you to view the page of the site already in the search results, which greatly simplifies the search for the required resource and saves the user's time, since in order to see the site, you no longer need to follow the link to it.
Headings in HTML
In total, there are 6 different tags for inserting headings - h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 (h is short for heading). Each of them has a certain weight (importance): h1 - has the greatest importance, h6 - the least. But how to use these headlines correctly is one of the most controversial topics. Now let's try to sort out some controversial points.

Overview of the new linux kernel 2.6.37-rc1
The first release candidate for the new Linux kernel version 2.6.37 has recently been released.