Why do you need crowd marketing?


Зачем вам нужен крауд маркетинг?

Internet marketing is constantly evolving and acquiring new directions and, accordingly, fresh terms. One of them is crowd marketing. Its main principle is a systematic approach and effective integration of the actions of several advertising channels at the same time.

How does crowd marketing work?

Modern competition generates "monsters" in the Internet marketing environment. The usual ways of advertising mutate and form a strange, but more effective symbiosis of methods to increase sales. The so-called crowd marketing is aimed at gaining trust and attracting an exclusively targeted audience - people who are already ready to make a purchase.

Crowd marketing combines SEO, SMM, SERM tools and other suitable abbreviations.

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  1. SEO - where without it. Website optimization and promotion work provides the resource with targeted visitors.
  2. SMM , in addition to increasing the level of trust of potential customers, stimulates sales and provides the site with a natural link mass. Search engines have a particular weakness for links from social networks and increase the position of a resource with good social signals.
  3. Advertising in search engines is especially important for young sites, when urgent measures are needed to increase traffic.
  4. PR and SERM work for brand reputation and recognition. They are the backbone of crowd marketing. Interesting, unique, thematic information posted on the company's website, as well as on third-party resources indicating the promoted brand - this is content marketing, it is directly related to PR. Review tracking is the domain of SERMs.

What is the result? Proper use of the above tools individually will provide tangible results. Imagine what results can be achieved in the complex.

Crowd Marketing in Practice

Work in all these advertising areas requires considerable material and intellectual costs. Thanks to painstaking data collection and system analytics, you can build the most effective scheme for attracting customers.

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To track reviews on the Internet, there are many services and tools:

  • channels of direct communication with potential and regular customers through official representations in social networks Facebook, Vkontakte, Google Plus, Twitter, Instagram;
  • analysis of attendance and behavioral factors using Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics;
  • IQBuzz, YouScan, Kribrum, Semantic Force - tracking mentions in social networks and forums;
  • Google Alerts, Talkwalker - allow you to monitor new reviews and questions;
  • tracking product comments on websites and forums directly through search engines;
  • Disqus - monitoring blog reviews;
  • LiveTweet, Tagboard, Tweetdeck are useful for tracking Twitter comments.

It is not necessary to use everything. Tools should help in solving the tasks and in working with the target audience.

как использовать крауд маркетинг

What to do with the data collected on all these services - you ask?

  1. Analyze and respond. Respond to negative, neutral, and positive comments. We have devoted a separate article to working with reviews. Give official answers on behalf of the company, but do not discount the power of hidden marketing.
  2. Work out a content plan and create really interesting selling materials for the target audience (reviews, articles, infographics, videos, etc.).
  3. Adjust the promotion strategy using information about the most popular products.
  4. Conduct an audit of the site - an assessment of the usability, functionality and effectiveness of the resource.
  5. Adapt to the expectations and needs of potential customers - provide the desired products, service, technical support, etc.

The advantage of the cross-channel crowd marketing approach is that it provides comprehensive information for brand development.

We consider this an obvious factor, but just in case, we emphasize: modern functionality and site design are important conditions for success. In some cases, users can put up with a slow, outdated resource, but it’s better not to test once again their loyalty, which was so hard won with the help of crowd marketing tools.

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