
Sales funnel: what is it and how to use it in your business
There are many ways to improve business efficiency - there are classic ones that everyone knows about, and specific ones that each business finds for itself. Let's talk about the classics. A sales funnel is a marketing model that clearly demonstrates the path a consumer takes from a potential to an actual buyer. It has several stages, and each one brings you closer to the deal. Accordingly, by analyzing the sales funnel, you can see at what stage leads leave and adjust the entire process of interaction with customers.
Male and female approach to online shopping. How to understand the difference and benefit from it
Men and women shop differently. This is easy to see in any supermarket: guys buy quickly and only what they need, while girls tend to make long choices and easily buy what they don’t need “because it’s on sale”. In the case of online shopping, this trend continues. Let's talk about the behavior of online shoppers depending on gender and how to benefit from this and sell more.
Exceptional 404 pages you should see
Today is April 4, with which we congratulate you! That is why we have prepared a special, festive article.
We turn visitors into buyers. What to do with those who only look, but do not buy
Users browsing your site are a valuable resource. After all, they are the ones who make the profit. But do not think that only those who place an order in your online store are useful. In fact, those visitors who left without a purchase are also very important. It is necessary to understand their motives in order to correct mistakes and bring customers to checkout next time.
Buying links to promote the site
Many SEO-specialists believe that the only way to raise a site in the TOP of search results is by buying links. Others claim that there is no need for this and only work on content and usability is enough. In fact, buying links to a site makes sense, it is only important to do it right.