
Large photos for the site: choose the right one
As soon as we see a large photo on the site, it immediately captures our attention and causes an almost instantaneous reaction. Internet resources, whether it's a website or a blog, are more of a visual format. If you write great content, but don’t pick up a quality photo, you lose readers. And vice versa, choosing a good photo, you “cling” even those who were not going to read the post. Speaking of bad photos, I don't mean quality (blur, creepy gifs), but strategy.
Why is minimalism in design at its peak?
Minimalism is in high demand these days. In many ways, this is easily explained by its clear advantages: the user always clearly understands where he is and what exactly needs to be done. Thanks to minimalism, it is easy to manage the user's attention. Modern minimalism is quite a mature trend. Having originated at the beginning of the 20th century, it received its full development in the post-war period and gradually became literally mainstream.
Video sites: pros and cons
We have repeatedly said: "Video is a trend." We are echoed by the results of recent surveys: 78% of users use the Internet to search for video content. So why not give the public what it asks for? Because everywhere and everywhere there are limitations, specific features, tricks and secrets, especially when it comes to video backgrounds.
Typography in web design
The most common form of presenting information on the site is text. Typography knows how to display it. At the same time, web resources are not only sheets of text. Typography is important for the overall look of the site, and for placing accents, and for creating a certain mood among visitors. Today we publish practical tips for website design using typography.
The Impact of Responsive Design on Online Business
We have repeatedly discussed global trends in the growth of mobile traffic, but now we can share our own observations. For most of our clients, traffic from portable devices is at least 10%, and in the absence of adaptive design in this case, the site receives 75% of bounces from mobile devices. Today we will talk not only about the undeniable benefits of adaptive design, but also consider what areas of business it is needed in the first place.