
How to make a site friends with the Venice search algorithm from Google?
Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird and... Venice - the professional talk of SEOs and webmasters has smoothly shifted from "animal" to geographical analogies. The Venice search algorithm from Google has fully declared its rights in Ukraine. What does this mean and how should site owners behave now?
AdWords contextual advertising account audit
It is easy to create a Google AdWords account, but it is more difficult to turn it into an effective sales channel. New advertisers are tempted by the ease of campaign setup that the system promises. As a result, we are increasingly receiving ready-made accounts with a request to increase the effectiveness of ads. Each company is unique, but there are some basic principles that we apply to audit Google PPC accounts.
7 main mistakes in setting up contextual advertising
Yandex and Google assure that no special skills are needed to create an effective contextual advertising campaign. This is partly true, but how effective this idea will be depends largely on the knowledge of the features of the Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords systems. Tricks and nuances are not available to everyone and not immediately, they are learned by biting into the Talmuds of the manual, experiments, trial and error. We will talk about the last, most common, today.
We conduct an SEO audit of the site - part three
Links, it's all about links! Who wants some links? In the final (true-true) part of the SEO analysis, we'll take a closer look at traffic, and internal and external links. Make yourself comfortable, the conversation will be serious, but interesting.