
Content is the opium of the people
The Internet is filled with a myriad of empty, faceless, uninteresting, monotonous, and sometimes meaningless content. Spammed texts are not liked even by search robots, not to mention sophisticated and demanding users. How is Content with a capital “K” created?
Showing the cards: what do online shoppers want?
Businessmen who are truly not indifferent to their offspring approach the issue of the whims and wishes of online buyers with special passion and enthusiasm. Research and statistics help to understand the complex intricacies of combinations and patterns of its formation.
How to Increase Online Store Sales: Usability Ideas
"How online stores are doing in Russia"
How SEO has changed over the past year
Our world is constantly improving: more and more modern technologies are emerging, new industries are rapidly developing, the education sector is improving, etc. Progress has not bypassed intellectual technologies, in particular, the field of website promotion. Let's look at the current methods of website promotion in Yandex and Google search engines.
12 rules and your site is ready for online advertising
By creating an advertising company, you naturally lead users to your site. Is this site ready to be visited? So, let's begin: