
Mobile applications as an investment in the development of online business
What does it take to promote a business? First of all, interesting offers, harmoniously composed advertising and a platform for its promotion. If we are talking about a small residential area, then one beautiful sign is enough for customers to reach out to you. What about online promotion? Here, design alone is not enough, because users evaluate both functionality and convenience. But there is also a price, and other benefits.
Facebook Dynamic Remarketing: Launching and Optimizing
Why do you need dynamic remarketing on Facebook? Thanks to it, you will be able to return those users to the site who, for some reason, postponed and did not complete the purchase. In addition, it is a great way to remind yourself. And you do not have to update the information on availability and cost: you just need to link ads to catalogs, and the program will do everything on its own.
Promotion in social networks: should the content for Facebook, VKontakte and Instagram be different?
If you are not on the Internet, you are not in business. If your business is not on social networks, you are losing a huge number of customers. And let it seem to you that beautiful pictures with cats will not help to increase profits. But it is precisely through such “communication” on the social network that the user learns to trust your company, understands that it is interesting, fun and professional with you. And who is the easiest to give money to? Of course, to a friend in whom I am already sure.
Content: optimization rules and checklist before launching into the network
Quality content is the basis of successful promotion. This is something that both writing gurus and traffic experts keep saying. It is with the help of content - viral, informational, advertising - that the business is moving online. The task of an Internet marketer is to find an idea that will “hook” users, and then create something “such” for it that search robots will like. So, the main criteria for the quality of content: its interest to users and optimization for search engines.
Sitemap file or site map: use it correctly
Search promotion is a resource-intensive and costly process, and we are talking here not so much about finances as about time. However, there are tools that allow you to improve the ranking of the site, but still remain incomprehensible, "unrecognized" and surrounded by many misconceptions. For example, the sitemap file.